Monday, May 7, 2012

Judge DeSalvo

If I were the Judge I would almost definitely rule in Anna's favor. Its a case that deals with human rights. Anna as a human being has natural rights. She should have to go with a surgery if she doesn't want to. I understand Sara's natural concern as a mother. She wants the best for Kate and everyone in the book know and understands Anna probably wont be harmed in the surgeries but its the fact she has no say in anything. Campbell is looking at the small chance that she could be harmed and that no one actually cares about Anna. The doctor constantly says that chances are small she could be harmed but with all of the surgeries she could be harmed greatly. All perspectives have their points and justifications.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Genetic Engineering

I believe that a parent should be able to choose the genetics of their child. I believe that its not morally wrong for one child to be born to save another child as long as the child born isn't harmed. If a persons argument were that the genetic engineering is messing with natural order then technology as a whole should be taken away. Humans in the world mess with natural order far worse than just messing with the genetics of an unborn baby. There might as well not be birth control or cars. Cars stop humans from using from thew world gave them, legs. And birth control is stopping the chance of millions of babies that could be born. Its not morally wrong if its not hurting anyone in any way. The child will always be loved. That's like saying every child who wasn't a planned birth isn't loved.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

I would describe the evidence towards the holocaust. The records, the facts, the missing people. All of this shows evidence towards the holocaust.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

A Good Parent

My dad has stood up to many people in his life. He stood up to his boss and many employees at work. When workers are mistreated he always steps in and does the right thing. One worker was discriminated at work for their race so my dad had a huge argument with his boss until things were set right. My dad has a lot of courage to do that. Its something I hope I have. Its a great quality.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Neighborhood Adventure

    In my neighborhood my friends and I would go around and have stories behind houses. The change would be that there would be different characters. No I would not want to be friends with scout. I would definitely not be friends with any of them. I would not have any experiences because they do not interest me.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Mary Oliver Quote: "Instructions for living a life. Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it."

     I'm astonished in life everyday. Different things, whether it be good or bad, astonish me everyday. To be astonished one must pay attention so these go hand in hand. Telling about an experience is communicating to others what your life is all about. Telling people stories of good experiences shows a person your life has variety. You only have one life so this is very important. Astonishing experiences are what makes life worth living.

      I find peoples lack of morals and intelligence very astonishing. So astonishing I want to tell people about it.