Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Life Law 10

  "You have to name it before you can claim it." means you need to know your decision before you actually do it and take action. If you do not know what you want to do in the future then when you finally make a decision it wont end successfully. Also a person needs to want something for the right reasons, for reasons other than popularity and so that you blend into the crowd. For reasons that really affect your life in a positive way. This step is probably the most important step in making your life better.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Life Law 8

 We teach people how to treat us. The responses we give people day to day trains a person how to react to you response. Some would say its the patterns we bring out ask a person. If someone has a problem , you can either blame yourself and get angry or you can retrain how the person treats you. People over time get use to a persons social skills and how they work. Its up to the individual to be able to train themselves to do the right thing.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Life Law 6 "There is no reality, only perception"

Perception is how people see things, its how people perceive the world and the things around them. How you see the world affects the way you feel, your relationships, and how you live your life. There are different ways of seeing things. Things about how you see peers, relationships, and self worth. A persons emotions can be affected because of the way you see the world. For example you could see a girl and you could think a lot of things about that person, like if shes a liar someone might say she is "two-faced" So perception is everything. Everyone has and its not always the same.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Life Lessons 5: Perseverance

  Perseverance is something I believe barely anyone has anymore. Its something that gives a person character. It allows someone to really be who they are.
I believe life lesson 5 shows that there are things to care about in the world. People have things to be happy for.
People, goals, and life in general.